Putting your Best Foot Forward: Stand out above the rest in Job Interviews
Hello Beautiful,
We all had dreams once and probably still have them. At some point we wanted to be a Pilot, Dancer, Musician, Teacher, Artist, Doctor and etc. We even sacrificed a huge part of our lives working towards accomplishing those dreams. Then comes the last step on the ladder to our dreams, JOB INTERVIEWS.
Writing and sending your job application letter is one thing and sometimes if you get lucky, you might be shortlisted for an interview. An interview is your beacon of hope towards landing the job you applied for BUT remember, you are NOT THE ONLY ONE. It is your duty to perform well and to impress the Interviewee(s) to chose you and not other competitors. Life is always about survival for the fittest.
Bernice Fernandes MS, MBA, a Management Consultant and Entrepreneur shared her story and experience with interviewing hundreds of prospects for various projects. Bernice touched on Putting your Best Foot Forward in order to Standout above the Rest during job interviews. Job hunting is currently a challenge in Tanzania, and here are strategies that Bernice advises we use for effective job hunting.
Effective job hunting becomes successful if you know the kind of job that you want. Once you go about taking any job offer that is available, chances are you might land a job that does not excite you might end up bored and in fatigue because you will end up using a lot of energy in doing something that you don’t like in the first place. While it may not be as easy as it sounds looking for a job that you want, DON’T GIVE UP yet. If there is a job for them then there is a job that you live that awaits you.
- Be realistic.
It is totally okay to dream big and aim higher but when it comes to jobs, experience is key. Look for jobs that you’re experienced enough. If you’re a fresh graduate, admit that you do not have the needed 3 years’ experience and mention if you have any experience from volunteering or somewhere else. If you have no experience at all, start with volunteering or internship, that’s how you first get experience
- Create a LinkedIn profile
One of the pros of technology is creating platforms that suit our needs. LinkedIn is the #1 Professional site that connects millions of people and you should highlight that you are actively seeking. Your profile should stand out because it may the door to your dream job. Your LinkedIn profile should be totally different from your Instagram or Twitter account. Mind what you post on LinkedIn as well as what you say.
- Attend networking events
Networking has been listed as one of the hardest things to do. People prefer keeping to themselves during events other than socializing. Go out there and talk to people, never underestimate the amazing power of Small Talk. It’s important to create a Business Card. If you’re still at the university, your card could include your name, contact, what you’re pursuing and the university you are in. Have your business card everywhere, this shows that you’re serious and it’s really impressive.
You need to send a resume´ attached with a cover letter and writing a good resume´ and cover letter isn’t a skill that we are taught in University. Want some quick tips on writing your resume´ and cover letter, read along;
- The KISS Principle
Ever heard of it anywhere, KISS stands for Keep It Short Sweet. Your resume´ should be at most 1-2 pages when it comes to making it short and making it sweet so that whoever is reading it thinks that you are the people they want to hire before they even meet you.
- Your resume should relate to the job you’re applying for
Thoroughly read through the job description and tailor your resume´ to reflect you as the right person needed for the job. Focus on your achievements and the tasks you performed that will show your competence. Remember to make the achievements relatable to the job in question. Show them how you can add value and that job is yours.
- Skills
Remember to include your skills as well. Leadership skills, computer skills as well as other interpersonal skills that would imply that you are unique and is the person fit to fill the position. Just remember to be honest.
Interviews are always nerve-wrecking and they are never easy. Bernice shares some job interviews DO’s and DON’Ts
- Arrive 30 minutes early
- Dress smart
- Have nice odour
- Be kind to everyone; your first impression is the reception of how other people will regard you as a person.
- Act Professional; give a professional hand shake, have a polite tone and respect other people as well
- Research about the company before the interview
- Give compliments even if it is just as simple as “your outfit is nice.”
- Talk about your professional background
- Ask questions
- Thank them for the interview, both in person and send an E-mail
- If unfortunately you didn’t get the job, E-mail them and ask how you can do better in other interviews
- Talk about your personal background
- Forget to ask questions
- Be nervous
- Arrive late

Here is how you can leave every interviewee impressed that you will be the first choice when they consider doing selection for who should get the job. For more tips and interesting, catch us every Saturday Live on our Instagram page @beautifulyouinitiative from 10:00am to 11:00am because #wearebeautifultogether.